Sunday, April 20, 2008


Geographic Location
They are located in the Amazon region, on the Amazon River.
Population Its population is estimated at 294 people.
It belongs to the linguistic Yagua family.
CultureFor most people who inhabit the Amazon region, the use of sacred plants represents a key element in its cultural and social life. The Yuruparí ritual is more important because it brings back the origins and revives the essential elements of their worldview.
Housing Like other villages in the area, the people art living in Yagua malokas, which are both spaces housing collectively, as rituals places.
Socio-political Organization
The socio-political structure of the Yagua people responded to a complex system of hierarchical organization split in patrilineal lineages. However, such a structure has been gradually changing thanks to pressure from the settlers in the area, forcing them to adopt forms of organization totally opposed to their traditions. For example, in antiquity the power rested with the Chaman or Curaca, who not only guided the destinies of spiritual ethnicity, but also took all kinds of important decisions. Their form of political organization is supported by the town council, whose members are elected for a term of one year.
Production System
The economy is based on horticulture, noting that throughout the Amazon region are lacking development models suited to the socio-cultural context. Crops continue the pattern of slashing, burning and planting in areas dominated by planting cassava, yams, chontaduro, banana, pepper, caimo, avocado, pineapple, papaya, squash, lulo, marañón. It is supplemented by hunting, fishing and gathering wild fruits.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Santa Sofia Island or Monkies Island

Squirrel monkeys are found widely throughout Central and South America. S. boliviensis is distributed throughout Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela. S. b. boliviensis is found in Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia while S. b. peruviensis is found in only in Amazonian Peru (Groves 2001; Gold 2004). The Central American squirrel monkey, S. oerstedti, is found in Costa Rica (both subspecies) and Panama (S. o. oerstedti only) and is completely geographically separated from the other species of squirrel monkeys found in South America (Groves 2001). Once long thought to be separated from the other South American species because of introduction into Central America by early humans, molecular data prove that S. oerstedti is, in fact, endemic to this region (Cropp & Boinski 2000). S. sciureus is distributed across several countries: Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela. The most restricted in range of the squirrel monkeys is S. vanzolinii which can be found only on the left bank of Lago Mamirauá and at the mouth of the Rio Japura in Brazil (Groves 2001). S. ustus ranges in Brazil south of the Amazon (Groves 2001).

Playing with a Toucan bird

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Iveth Adilia López Barrero
Place and date of birth: Girardot. Cundinamarca. Colombia
Civil state: Free union
Children: One
" Schoolmaster in Education. Javeriana University Title: Magistra in Education. April 28 of 1992.
" Licentiate in Sciences of the Education. La Salle University. Bogotá D.C. May 11 of 1984. I title: Graduate in Education. Specialty in Modern Languages.
" King'School. English studies . London June20 of 1998 to July 18, of 1998.
" French studies. C'Alliance Colombo Francaise of Bogotá D.C. Year 1982.
Pedagogic Labor experience:
Educational Area of Humanities: Spanish and foreign Language. Fundación Instituto Tecnológico del Sur. Bogotá. D.C. Year 1981-2000.
Educational Area of Humanities: Spanish and foreign Language. I associate Garcés Navas School. Educational institution Distrital. Bogotá. D.C. Year 2001 so far.